Friday, August 3, 2012

Potential Photographs for my New Book...

{lichen on an oak tree}

{daughter Rosie climbing}

{a pinecone among fallen leaves}
I've been going through YEARS of photographs I took to find the perfect ones to illustrate the new book I'm writings, Eco-Happy: Three Steps To An Earth-Friendly Life.

It's been fun to look at images I've taken in the past to see if they capture the moods I'm hoping to portray... Obviously, years ago I never thought I'd be writing a book, so photographs I took in the past then that fit the theme are so serendipitous!

I think it's actually harder to have a book in mind and try to take photographs for it! But, while in Lake George I shot a bunch, hoping to get what I needed. Here are three photographs I just took on my last vacation that might make the cut - which is your favorite?


p.s. Ericca, this is for you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh your book sounds like it is going to be awesome. I bet it will be a best seller!!


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