Friday, September 9, 2011


{getting on the bus!}
Big Day here- my youngest, Son H is off to Kindergarten! That smile is for real - he's so happy to step out on his own. This independent one has never had one bit of separation anxiety!

Me? From 9:00am to 3:00pm my day is now free. I have the time now to pursue things I haven't had time for in the last 11 years I've been raising my little munchkins. It does feel like a new leaf turned. I plan on doing a lot more designing, a lot more connecting with friends and peers, and a lot more daydreaming...



  1. Loretta--thanks so much for finding my blog and for your comment. So cute that you put in a guess for the name.....sorry to say its not that :) Hope your son had a great first day at Kindergarten!

  2. Oh what a lovely smile and how great that he gets to school on a bus - the very funnest way!

  3. Oh what a bittersweet moment!

    I can't wait to see your creativity.

  4. Eleven years...WOW! Congrats on the new freedom. Your son is a handsome one and a wonderful smile I hope he enjoyed his first day!

  5. Look at your big boy!! I hope he had a wonderful first day. I'm sending my boys to transitional kindergarden this year, so next year will be the big year for me. I'm already feeling a bit sniffly ... but excited for them and what is to come!

  6. He had a great day! Not bittersweet for me at all.

    This year Evie went to Middle School and THAT was the bittersweet one for me! I lie in bed and relive Middle School anxiety.


  7. Oh he is so adorable and I love that sweet smile!!


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